Immigration is a sensitive subject and must be addressed as
I myself grew up in Europe the son of East African Students
who ended up staying in Spain for the long term.
The truth is that the African Diaspora faces increasing
challenges from the European Union and its immigration policies.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in its article 7
states that all are equal before the law and are entitled without any
discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal
protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and
against any incitement to such discrimination.
International law is on the side of ethnic minorities in
France and if French citizens begin to assimilate the concept of good government
and the rule of law to their civic institutions the National Front be
The ethnic minorities
in France should understand that Stockholm syndrome is not the answer to the
current challenges we face. The reason most people leave Africa is to benefit
from the safety and the public services developed countries can offer. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in
article 22 states that Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to
social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and
international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and
resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights
indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.
In due time African ethnic minorities will integrate into
the European French population without anybody noticing they were once present.
The Africans themselves who are overseas are a source of
income for those left behind as they send back remittances that are a form of
direct investment that reaches those who need it most and are quickly and
effectively channelled towards the right needs. It also helps build our financial
and civic institutions as this is a form of revenue that is taxed by the
China is often cited as an example of a third world country
that has successfully managed to industrialise. What is not mentioned is the
fact that a lot of the initial capital needed to start this economic growth
came from the overseas Chinese communities who had once fled China for a better
future in the safe haven of South East Asia.
Today new waves of Chinese immigrants are arriving to Africa
backed by the industrial military might of China that provides overseas Chinese
with protection.
During the Apartheid era in the Republic of South Africa Japanese
business men where re classed from being members of a coloured nation to
European because Japanese business men would not tolerate the living conditions
that were offered to them as coloured businessmen.
Those of African descent abroad should remember that the
reality is Africa is passing through an awful time yet it is rich in natural
resources, the poverty is caused by those who inhabit it that also happen to
have relatives among the immigrant communities in France.
Costa Magiga