Saturday 19 July 2014

The Fourth Estate

The Fourth Estate

They are three officially recognised branches of government in Politics. The Executive Brach implements the laws that the Legislative Branch of Government consisting of law making assemblies of citizens enacts and whose statues are then deciphered by the judicial branch of government.
The media is considered the fourth estate of government. It is an important tool that allows government to make its policies known across its territory. Providing information is the most important function that the media performs.
Musoke Think tank believes it allows dominant groups to spread their influence across vast sways of the earth by means of music and motion pictures.
Curving spheres of influence has often meant that the media has been littered with black propaganda.
Technological innovation has resulted in the creation of a large number of citizen journalists and amateur film makers who use the internet and its vast resources to create alternative sources of media that compete with traditional corporate interest.
In order to safe guard individual citizen rights from the mischievous use of technology, Political organs have adapted constitutions to the changing times for instance Article 71 of the Mozambican constitution states that the use of computerised means for recording and processing individually identifiable data in respect of political, philosophical or ideological beliefs, of religious faith, party or trade union affiliation or private lives, shall be prohibited.
A novel interactive relationship is developing between the media and a technologically savvy public.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Integrating Immigrant Communities

Immigration is a sensitive subject and must be addressed as such.
I myself grew up in Europe the son of East African Students who ended up staying in Spain for the long term.
The truth is that the African Diaspora faces increasing challenges from the European Union and its immigration policies.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in its article 7 states that all are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
International law is on the side of ethnic minorities in France and if French citizens begin to assimilate the concept of good government and the rule of law to their civic institutions the National Front be displaced.
 The ethnic minorities in France should understand that Stockholm syndrome is not the answer to the current challenges we face. The reason most people leave Africa is to benefit from the safety and the public services developed countries can offer.  The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in article 22 states that Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.
In due time African ethnic minorities will integrate into the European French population without anybody noticing they were once present.
The Africans themselves who are overseas are a source of income for those left behind as they send back remittances that are a form of direct investment that reaches those who need it most and are quickly and effectively channelled towards the right needs. It also helps build our financial and civic institutions as this is a form of revenue that is taxed by the government.
China is often cited as an example of a third world country that has successfully managed to industrialise. What is not mentioned is the fact that a lot of the initial capital needed to start this economic growth came from the overseas Chinese communities who had once fled China for a better future in the safe haven of South East Asia.
Today new waves of Chinese immigrants are arriving to Africa backed by the industrial military might of China that provides overseas Chinese with protection.
During the Apartheid era in the Republic of South Africa Japanese business men where re classed from being members of a coloured nation to European because Japanese business men would not tolerate the living conditions that were offered to them as coloured businessmen.
Those of African descent abroad should remember that the reality is Africa is passing through an awful time yet it is rich in natural resources, the poverty is caused by those who inhabit it that also happen to have relatives among the immigrant communities in France.  

Costa Magiga

Thursday 27 March 2014

Positive Outlook

Positive Outlook

The city of Beira set on the fringe of the Indian Ocean is part of the historic region of Sofala. It is a microcosm of the Indian Ocean Milieu. The last significant wave of immigrants to arrive where Greeks.

The wealth this city engenders essentially derives from its strategic location at the heart of a region serving three land locked countries whose needs are catered for by its Port.
As a holiday destination it was one of the unheard of gems along the east African coast. In the early sixties with the growth of the travel industry it became a favourite tourist destination for Rhodesians.

This contributed to the diversification of the local economy and brought the urban centre further into prominence as a nucleus for trade and commerce.
Years of neglect ensued during the mid twentieth century due to the fact the vast potential of this enclave was not recognised. Currently this is being remedied. There is a construction surge taking place, along the coast line. The area of Ponta Gea is regaining the status it once held with new developments such as Santa Cruz.

The neighbourhood of Chaimite is fast becoming the modern commercial centre of the city with a mercantile ethos. Shopping precincts such as Bulha Shopping are the perfect showcase of this transformation.

The port is become increasingly relevant to the local and regional economy. A commercial alliance concerning The Mozambican Ports and Railway Company (CFM) and the Dutch owned company Cornelder de Moçambique is designed to enhance the expertise required for the ports logistics and communications system operating within the requirements of the International supply chain. This falls in line with the resolutions of the International Association of Ports and Harbours (IAPH) that met in 2011 at a grand event in Busan South Korea, calling for the timely development of port infrastructure recognising the role they play in local economies.

The Spanish company Pescanova in 2006 acquired the Mozambican Companhia de Pesca do 
Oceano Indico (COPOIC), thus creating a Mozambican subsidiary Pescamar Ltd. This enhances the regions prominence as an Agribusiness hub.
The Mozambican Ports and Railway Company (CFM) has rehabilitated the Sena railway line. Passenger and cargo train now cover the entire 574 kilometres of this railway route from the city of Beira to the mining town of Moatize.
Nevertheless there are still remains the serious challenge of creating a competitive industrial and service sector in the city of Beira.  The foundations for this lay in designing a dynamic and environmentally sustainable manufacturing industry.
The process has already begun to take form with street traders in the city of Beira fixing foreign electronic appliances regardless of their complexity. Indians have a word for this phenomenon called “jugaad”.
The debate ensues on how to accomplish industrialisation. This discussion according to the 

Beira based Musoke Think Tank should be centred on the sociological approach of contemporary philosophy plainly depicted by Emile Durkheim in his description of positivism as an endeavour to extend “scientific rationalism to human conduct.”
Musoke Think Tank emphasises the need to foment local ingenuity by inspiring the development of an industrial sector based on a consensus amongst emerging engineering firms that quality merchandise should be the trademark of goods produced in the city of Beira.

As a unique selling point it will allow for the establishment of an overseas market already offered to us here in Mozambique in the form of the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) that is the most liberal access to United States consumers except for that offered to countries that have free trade agreements.
By adopting the classical European Industrial Model the city of Beira can produce products whose life cycle is not affected by planned obsolescence.
I interviewed a young American Peace Corp Volunteer named Samuel Paddington, he stated that “what Americans value most in Africans is their positive outlook” and the city of Beira will strive for this vision to be the basis of its commerce.

Article by Costa Magiga

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Local Politics

 Local Politics

All Politics is local. With this in mind I hope you realise my opinion is of a member of the Diaspora who now lives in Africa.

 I was in South Africa and did research the History of labour migration. Since the Establishment of the Colonial borders over a century ago men from all over Southern Africa have gone to Johannesburg  in search of jobs.

The largest group came from Mozambique and consisted of 900 thousand persons who worked in the mines around Johannesburg and actively participated in the building of the city.

 I believe that owing to this fact there should be no restriction on employment for members of the Southern African Development Community in modern day South Africa.

Some members of South Africa’s civil society recognise this fact and have influenced the department of Home Affairs to make exceptions with regional States facing difficulties such as Congo and Zimbabwe.

They offer their citizens a legal channel to work in South Africa. By means of an asylum permit that has to be renewed with great hardship every three months.

 The reality then follows that once an immigrant has his asylum that lawfully allows him to work he is illegally discriminated against by South African employers who demand a South African Identity Card in order to be eligible for employment.

This illegal manoeuvre serves to ensure that these foreigners remain excluded from the formal sector of the economy and can easily be exploited.

 As an amateur Historian I would like to point out that the highest period of economic growth ever experienced in South Africa coincided with the freedom of movement of labour across the region.

Costa Magiga

Friday 9 March 2012

International Women's Day Communiqué

Costa Communications and Public Affairs Consultancy wishes women all around the world a pleasant week end, as it was Women’s Day on Thursday the 8th 2012. The painting titled “African Girl” by Beverly Cairns currently exhibiting at the Lavish Old Boma at Mikindani in Tanzania is a wonderful image that is able to symbolise women across the globe.  Our inspiration for this choice came from a speech the United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave during a debate held at Palace of Baron D’Erlanger located in Tunis, Africa on February the 25th 2012 where she said that “90 per cent of the world’s youth lives in the developing world”.